Residential Rehabilitation
FIRST's Residential Rehabilitation programme is for individuals with substance use issues and is funded to provide assessment, preparatory work and ongoing support.
Referrals can be made through attending the Fife-wide triage drop-in clinics or through other appropriate services.
Those applying for residential rehabilitation need to be prepared to engage in a structured and intense programme of preparatory work.
There are three elements to the service:
Assessment and preparatory stage where FIRST will look at current and historic drug and alcohol use, criminal activity, housing issues, social circumstances, family networks and support, involvement with other services and assess motivation for change.
Inpatient residential detoxification for six weeks followed by a twenty week residential rehabilitation programme with places purchased from one of four external providers selected on the particular needs of the individual.
Structured community based rehabilitation with suitable housing and housing support as key components as well as a comprehensive package of aftercare services and continuing follow up for a sustained period of time will follow after this twenty-six week period.
On completion of the programme the client will receive ongoing support from one of FIRST's Rehabilitation Workers and have access to a range of aftercare.
Click on the Residential Rehab units below to access more information.