Fife Intensive Rehabilitation & Substance Use Team (FIRST) provides a community based rehabilitation service to individuals in Fife with drug or alcohol issues via one to one, group and volunteer support. Our one-to-one support is delivered by a combination of telephone and face-to-face appointments, usually on a weekly basis. Our overarching aim and purpose is to provide a quality rehabilitation service to clients who wish to change their lifestyle.
What we do
Our dedicated Workers work together with clients on goals that they wish to achieve whilst in the service. Whether a client's wish is to abstain from drug/alcohol use, or to reduce, FIRST will support clients to achieve this. FIRST will also provide support on a range of issues which may have resulted from past or current drug/alcohol use including employment, housing, benefits, low confidence and self-esteem, social isolation, parenting, relationships, offending, health and more.
The key outcomes for clients who engage with FIRST are:
reduction in drug use (includes not using illicit drugs and becoming drug free);
reduction in alcohol use (includes drinking within recommended guidelines and abstinence);
improvement in physical and psychological health;
improvement in social functioning and life context;
improvement in personal development.
FIRST offer clients weekly one-to-one appointments and work closely with other agencies to provide the best support possible by telephone and face-to-face appointments in their locality.
We value our clients and offer an aftercare service which involves checking in with clients at three and six months post discharge if they wish to participate. We also provide a Discharge from Service leaflet which details further support available and contact information for FIRST should clients wish to get back in touch.

FIRST has no Duty of Candour incidents to report on for the period
1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024.
Duty of Candour